Degenerative Disc Disease

Condition We Treat

Degenerative Disc Disease

Old senior man sitting at home sofa alone suffering for back pain, sciatica, sedentary lifestyle

When the back pain brought on by degenerative disc disease interferes with your quality of life, chiropractic services may be your best treatment option. Our medical team at Charleston Pain Relief Center can help relieve individuals in the North Charleston area of back pain, numbness, and muscle weakness caused by degenerative disc disease.

What is Degenerative Disc Disease?

With degenerative disc disease, the rubbery cushions between the spinal vertebrae become damaged and begin to wear away, making it to where the spine cannot properly flex and support the body. Degenerative disc disease is usually related to age. Due to the wearing of the spinal cushioning, this deterioration can cause previously-protected nerves to become pinched between the vertebrae as the spine moves.

A diagram showing the anatomy of the spine and different disc conditions that can occur

Treating Degenerative Disc Disease

Dr. Tharnish is experienced in providing non-invasive, non-surgical treatment options for patients whose disc deterioration causes significant pain and discomfort.

Treatments are designed to suit each patient as an individual and may include relief methods like spinal decompression, soft tissue therapy, laser treatment, trigger point therapy, exercise techniques, and / or nutritional counseling. Dr. Tharnish and the caring staff at the Charleston Pain Relief Center assess each patient’s condition in order to come up with the most appropriate treatment plan possible.


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