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Let's Be Healthy

Regenerative Therapy In North Charleston

Unlock your body’s potential with Regenerative Therapy. Experience tissue regeneration, pain relief, and accelerated healing for a healthier, happier you

A man running on the road in front of trees.

Reignite your body’s healing power. Regenerative Therapy for a pain-free, active life.

Why Regenerative Therapy?

What will Regenerative Therapy Do For You?

Regenerative Therapy harnesses the body’s natural healing mechanisms to repair and regenerate damaged tissues, promote healing, and restore function. Using cutting-edge techniques, our regenerative therapy treatments stimulate the body’s own healing processes to repair injured tissues, reduce pain, and improve joint function. By targeting the underlying cause of pain and dysfunction, regenerative therapy offers long-lasting relief and helps patients regain mobility and quality of life.

3 Easy Steps

The Charleston Wellness Process

With the Charleston Pain Relief & Wellness Center you are only 3 steps away from a better, healthier life.


Step 1: Make an Appointment

Schedule a consultation with our specialists to discuss your health concerns and learn about regenerative therapy.


Step 2: Therapy Session

Attend your session where our experts will administer regenerative treatments designed to repair and rejuvenate your tissues.


Step 3: Enjoy The Results

Experience enhanced healing and improved function following your regenerative therapy.

Why Regenerative Therapy Works

The goal of regenerative medicine is to boost your natural repair system. Stem cells can turn into various cells you may need for regeneration and repair. Because of this, stem cell therapy can replenish damaged cells and reduce inflammation. Injections are targeted to problem areas, so the body can begin to heal naturally.

Painful joints have often been treated by using pain medications, including ibuprofen or naproxen. These drugs treat the symptoms but not the source of the problem. Over time, this can lead to a need for surgery, including total joint replacements. Recovery after surgery can be long and painful, so it is often a last resort for most patients. Regenerative medicine is minimally invasive, so there is little downtime after an injection. Many patients have been able to prevent or delay surgery with this treatment.

Regenerative medicine is a good option for both acute and chronic problems. It can be used for knees, hips and shoulders to halt the progression of osteoarthritis and heal cartilage, tendon and ligament tears. It can even provide relief for patients when other nonsurgical methods have failed.

The in-office procedure is targeted to damaged joints to ensure regenerative cells are injected in the targeted area where your body needs them most. Patients often start to experience pain relief and decreased inflammation quickly, which continues to improve with time.


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