Fibromyalgia: How Can Chiropractic Care Help?

Fibromyalgia: How Can Chiropractic Care Help?

Fibromyalgia is fast becoming a go to diagnosis when doctors can not explain wide spread pain that their patients are having. I believe that it is being over diagnosed, but I also believe that it is a real condition with very real symptoms. A diagnosis of fibromyalgia...
Fibromyalgia: How Can Chiropractic Care Help?

New Year. New You

The first full week of the year always brings a lot of excitement for me. It’s a time to get refocused after the holidays, and to get excited about all the people I want to be able to help in the next year. There’s always talk about new year resolutions...
Fibromyalgia: How Can Chiropractic Care Help?

Make 2015 Great!!

The first few weeks of January always seem to hold so much promise and hope for what the coming year will bring. Many of us say “This will be the year I ____.” How many times has February rolled around, only to find that we let those promising first weeks of January...
Fibromyalgia: How Can Chiropractic Care Help?

Headaches: How Can Chiropractic Care Help?

I was diagnosed with migraines at 12 years old. That began at least four years of taking horrible medication when I would feel the migraine coming on, followed by having to lay in a completely dark room in silence. As a young girl it was terrible listening to children...
Fibromyalgia: How Can Chiropractic Care Help?

Feeling Sluggish??

Are you feeling sluggish or fatigued at least one time per week? There could be a number of factors, many of which you can control! 1- Diet: Gluten sensitivity can be a culprit. There is a growing body of research to show a strong connection between the gut and the...