Headaches: How Can Chiropractic Care Help?

Headaches: How Can Chiropractic Care Help?

I was diagnosed with migraines at 12 years old. That began at least four years of taking horrible medication when I would feel the migraine coming on, followed by having to lay in a completely dark room in silence. As a young girl it was terrible listening to children...
Headaches: How Can Chiropractic Care Help?

Feeling Sluggish??

Are you feeling sluggish or fatigued at least one time per week? There could be a number of factors, many of which you can control! 1- Diet: Gluten sensitivity can be a culprit. There is a growing body of research to show a strong connection between the gut and the...
Headaches: How Can Chiropractic Care Help?

Stressed Out?!

Do you ever feel physical ailments when you are mentally stressed? Ever wonder why? The response to stressful situations in your body is the same whether you are being faced with your boss yelling at you or a bear wanting to eat you (or perhaps the other way around?)....
Headaches: How Can Chiropractic Care Help?


Pain in the temple area. Throbbing that effects your concentration. A dull ache that slows your thinking and annoys you all day. Do any of these sound familiar? If not, chances are you have someone in your life, that knows these symptoms all too well. Millions of...
Headaches: How Can Chiropractic Care Help?

My Hormones Are Making Me Crazy!

Every woman will experience a change in hormonal balance from puberty to menopause. One major difference is how the changes manifest as symptoms. Some women experience debilitating cramping with menstruation, while others may not. Menopausal symptoms can vary wildly...